Integrated Facility Management
A one-stop solution for all our customers’ facility related needs. A bouquet of services and a robust engagement model from design and development to maintenance and upkeep.
We help our clients to achieve cost saving and efficiency, which is delivered through an integrated & innovative approach.
Our Goal Is:
- To ensure we ‘aide your core business’ at all times.
- To have ‘subject-matter experts from across the globe’ at your service.
- To ensure provision of ‘best-in-class & updated service’ at all times.
We Improve:
- Productivity & Morale of Workforce.
- Quality, Health, Safety, Security & Environment (QHSSE).
- Life of an Asset.
- Up-time & Business Continuity.
- Cost Rationalisation By Our Global Purchase Capabilities.
Design & Build

A Facility is best maintained when the right assumption and concepts are introduced in the design. FASSCO has a robust ‘design and build team’ which can conceptualise, master plan, design, engineer, construct, procure, install, commission, and maintain through a dedicated project management team to set up new or refurbishment programmes.
The combination of our learning from various specialists and our own project management tools, we are able to ensure that each project is completed on cost, schedule, and quality parameters. This includes bench-marking total cost of ownership and operations, and is carried out with utmost detailed attention to safety, security, environment, and fit-to-purpose functionality. Utilisation of the right tools, equipment, and design and build experiences ensures these enablers facilitate overall excellence in service delivery.

We understand the importance of contingency planning considering the various complexities involved in a project and at times the remoteness of the units.
We always treat each client, each project, and each unit independently and assess the risks and ensure that all contingencies are understood and response plans are in place. We share this with all concerned at the start of the project and keep updating and ensure close monitoring of the same. We have 365×24 helpline that can be used by our clients, employees (change to associates) and vendors to ensure timely communication and response to all concerned in the event of a contingency. We work with support agencies, medevac companies, hospitals, government, community, and other support systems.
Logistics – Material & Equipment

We understand the importance of material logistics. The entire flow of materials is mapped according to specific project complexity and contingencies including contractual obligations which encompass all the critical steps from source to delivery and back-haul.
Our database of global network and relationships with the best suppliers is of great advantage to delivering the needs of every project in an assured manner. The decades of experience of our parent companies which specialises in supply chain management is of immense value.
Mobilisation & Demobilsation

Well begun is half-done. Detailed mobilisation check-lists are used to monitor step-by-step progress towards mobilising our services. Whether it is a new healthcare asset or an existing facility, we understand the complexities, risk and resourcing requirements to ensure that the project commences on a strong foundation. Similarly, demobilisation for every project is carried out in a smooth, on-time, and efficient manner.
Logistics – Personnel

Our expertise in mobilising large numbers of associates across borders ensures there are no logistical glitches for timely reporting and timely relieving of personnel in recruiting caregivers from across geographies, ethnicities, and linguistic borders which help us ensure you get the best talent always.